Plants for every garden situation

These orange-red Acer freemanni 'Jeffers Red' (or 'Autumn Blaze' as were) are a great specimen for a garden. These are about 15' tall at present and it's great to see them large and how they would fit into a garden - rather than starting with a small specimen.

Unfortunately it’s generally considered that most retail garden plants come in standard sizes, I guess this is because gardeners are used to visiting the local nursery, garden centre or market stall, (and now discount centres and supermarkets) and seeing standard sized plants in standard sized plant pots in…well…a standard retail environment. It’s a plant with a label and a price, does the job and is easy to choose, carry, put in the car and take home to plant in the garden where it will hopefully give years of pleasure. However, plant retail (and growing) is more than just plants on shelves for the buying of. There are a massive number of specialized nurseries and growers out there selling  a vast range of plants and these growers and nurseries are worth seeking out. Plants of course take time to grow, the larger the plant the more it costs as the nurserymans time need to be paid for, and rightly so too. A couple of weeks ago I went buying trees and shrubs at a Yorkshire nursery, this is a nursery that specializes in large specimens, not the sort of thing to be found at a normal garden centre at all. Trees that are 20 feet tall or more and shrubs that will give quick impact to a garden, it’s almost instant gardening, taking an empty garden and filling it with plants that make it look 10 years old or more in a matter of a few days busy planting. This is an example of the fact that there are lots of nurseries out there that cater for every gardener and every garden too. Whether the need is for budget plants, large trees or instant colour from pre-grown hanging baskets there is someone out there who will fill that gardening need. So if you are ever wondering if someone can supply a 30′ Birch tree, or 200 red geraniums, or supply a planting scheme around a lake then there is certainly a company somewhere that can do whatever is required.

Shrubs and climbers come in large sizes too. No need to wait years for a Wisteria to grow when a large plant can be purchased and planted in a short time.


Trees in almost every variety and size can be sourced for a garden, the range available is incredible.

Large (and huge) nursery grown trees not only get planted in private gardens but also in town centres and urban areas to give instant impact and bring height and greenery.

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